My Blogs!

This is where I'll release updates on different projects I'm working on. I'll also add blogs about other random things that I want to share.

November 15, 2024
HL2 20th Anniversary Update!

It's a very epic update.

My favorite part of the update is either the workshop support or the fix to music not playing after a map load. I would upload something real quick to the workshop but the only way to upload right now is to use steamcmd. Which is a command line version of steam that I have no idea how to use. I just use crowbar to upload workshop items for games like gmod. TF2 has its own workshop uploader built into the game which I also use. Having the episodes bundled into the game is nice for new players but it also makes it harder to quickly play HL2 EP2 and the new text font looks ugly. I might try to see if I could change the font back to the pre-anniversary update font.

October 31, 2024
Happy Halloween!

As you might know, today is a SPOOKY DAY! The most spooky and scary time of the year is upon us! That's basically all I have to say. Happy Halloween!

October 21, 2024

I'm very sorry for not uploading the video I said I would upload and for being very silent. For a little while I've felt like not working on mapping much. I think that if I stopped making updates for my hobby projects I would feel less demotivated. I still do enjoy mapping, it's just hard to make constent updates when I also have to balence personal life like school and friends. For now I'm just going to keep working on what I feel would be fun. I might release an update every once in awhile but I wont force myself to.

In general I'll be releasing less updates which might give me the chance to make maps without feeling like there is an important deadline to meet.

September 16, 2024
FixTF2 has worked!

After 102 days since June 3rd, FixTF2 has finally givin Valve the book with all the signatures. Now that the bots have been gone from casual for almost 2 months and the signature book has been delivered, FixTF2 has completed it's goal of getting Valve to remove the bots and showing Valve how much the TF2 Communtiy cares about this game. I am very glad everything worked out and that we don't need to deal with the bots (for now).

Btw if you're wondering the zs_pizzaria video will be released either this weekend or next weekend.

September 2, 2024

Here are new pictures of zs_pizzaria.

Warehouse is now 100% complete
zs_pizzaria zs_pizzaria zs_pizzaria zs_pizzaria zs_pizzaria zs_pizzaria

Textured Hotal and finished rooms.
zs_pizzaria zs_pizzaria zs_pizzaria zs_pizzaria

I'm starting to enjoy how the map looks so I'm really wanting to finish it now. Soon I'll make an unfinished teaser video where I'll walk through thw whole map and talk about different parts of the map.

August 30, 2024

I've spent about a week working hard on the website to improve its layout. I liked the simple 1 page design at first, but once I started making more blogs with long lists of pictures it started getting really messy. The website's code was also messy and was hard to work with which was one of the main reasons why I hadn't been writing that many blogs. Now with this new layout, the website is easier to navigate and the code is all cleaned up. I'll keep added new features to the website, but for now I think it's in a good spot.

Another important piece of info is that I have finished the warehouse in zs_pizzaria and started working on the hotel. The hotel is still far from finished but I have most of the textures figuered out and one of the rooms is complete. I would upload pictures, but I'm writing this blog at 11:50 pm on a Friday so I'm to tired to load up Hammer it take pics lmao. Expect pics to get uploaded on Labor Day (This Monday).

August 12, 2024

Sadly my summer break is over so work on maps will be very slow, but I will still upload a shitpost once in a while. Maybe I'll even spend time to create and actuall video. I will try to work on zs_pizzaria when I have the time to, but it hard trying to work on something that hasn't been finished for almost a year.

July 21, 2024

Im currently not very interested in mapping so zs_pizzaria wont have any new updates until I start working on it again. I will still be making videos though.

July 4, 2024
Happy America Day!

Don't have any updates yet for zs_pizzaria but that's ok because its AMERICA DAY! YEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! (Eagle Noises) (National Anthem) Happy 4th of July my fellow patriots!

July 1, 2024

Sorry for not releasing a new update on zs_pizzaria for over 3 months. Even though I have been on break for over a month I've not been working on zs_pizzaria much because I've been visiting my family all over the place. I've also just not had to much desire to work on maps much. I have released a new TF2 map about a month ago before I started travelling but it wasn't much. Just another boring edit of 2fort. BUT! recently I have been working on zs_pizzaria and I finally have enough stuff added to make it worth another update!

I have completely finished Nice Slice (The Pizza Restaurant)
zs_pizzaria zs_pizzaria zs_pizzaria zs_pizzaria zs_pizzaria

I've also completed around 75% of the warehouse
zs_pizzaria zs_pizzaria

Expect the map to come in mid to late July instead of early July like I said before.

May 27, 2024

The petition has ended but you can still watch my video I made for #FixTF2

SFM video I made about #FixTF2

May 22, 2024

I'm back! School has just ended which gives me the chance to work on zs_pizzaria. It was hard trying to work on the map when I had finals coming up so there hasn't been many changes to it. The map will probably be done by early July at the very most but if the map still isn't finished by that point of time then I probably lost interest in it. It's been a minute since I've played Zombie Survival so I'll play some of it before I continue work on the map. I'll also keep making more updates on the map's progress as I continue making it.

Side note, after zs_pizzaria is finished I'll start work on the website by adding new features. Like menu buttons that direct to specific pages like the mods page or the blog page.

April 2, 2024

I've added a new background to the website that I think looks very cool. If anyone wants to use the new background or the old background then here they are.

sicalic background

sicalic background

Here is a super old background I used before I published the website.

sicalic background

March 31, 2024
Happy Easter!

Here's another update on the zs_pizzaria. I've finally got the basic layout of the warehouse finished after a month of not having the chance to work on the map. I'm going to keep giving updates on the map's development but I can't promise that there's going to be more than an update a month. Once it's May or June I'll be able to make more updates but for now I'll just try to work on it as much as possible. Here's some pictures of the new warehouse.




I also changed some sizing in the website so it looks better.

March 2, 2024

This is just an update on the website and the map I've been working on. As I said before I've been working on a map that is named zs_pizzaria (Has nothing to do with FNaF) that will have a pizzaria as the main focus, as you could imagine. I started making this map around 2 months ago but making the map has been slow because I've been really busy with school and other stuff. The map will also contain 1 or 2 apartment buildings that will have rooms in them. There will also be a warehouse with many different props for cading. Here are some pictures of the map.




Here is a roughly drawn layout of the map. Each number represents a generator.

With the website I want to add specific pages for the blog and the mods so that the homepage is less clutterd. It also makes sizing easier but I won't add the new pages until I get this map done so the website changes might not happen until this summer when I'm out of school.

February 11, 2024

I fixed some sizing issues with the website and I also made a new map for Garry's Mod! I made the map as a demo for a faked parallax corrected cubemaped texture for the floor. I'm also making a new map for zombie survival that features the same texture effect used for gm_storage_room so keep an eye out for any updates I make.

January 20, 2024

This is the grand opening of the website, but more like the regular opening because there's nothing grand about this website. Also some of the dates on the mods are older than this website but thats just because I made the mods before the website. My main reason for creating this website was basically because I was bored but I also wanted to give myself a challenge so I learned the basics of html and css (Not Counter-Strike Source). I also wanted to make a website that felt different from the cookie cutter crap that every web designer uses when making websites even for themselves. I'm not trying to be rude to anybody that makes modern looking websites but I've always liked the desinge of old websites and I wished that people still put the same amount of personality into their websites but I guess it doesn't matter that much.

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